The Simplest Changes You Can Make To Improve Mental and Physical Health

The Simplest Changes You Can Make To Improve Mental and Physical Health

Who doesn’t want to lead a lifestyle that improves their overall physical and mental health? But often, we convince ourselves that changes have to be drastic, ultimately setting ourselves up for failure. If you are looking for some simple changes to make, here are five ways to improve your health that won’t take up too much time, effort, or money.


When you are looking at ways to improve your physical health, exercise is probably one of your first thoughts. But it could also be argued that exercise has become overcomplicated in today’s world, leading many to no longer view it as a simple change to their life.

It’s worth remembering that you don’t need to be following a professional athlete’s gym routine, nor do you have to be counting every single calorie or every gram of protein you put in your body to make exercise worthwhile.

The truth is that any form of exercise is good for you, and some exercise is always better than no exercise. And remember, exercise can be as simple as going for a run or a walk. Adding some simple cardio activities to your daily routine will be great for your physical well-being but it’s probable that the mental benefits will be felt the most.

Eat healthier

One of the simplest changes you can make if you are trying to lead a healthier lifestyle is to focus on the foods you eat. It might be surprising to learn that a healthy, balanced diet doesn’t just go hand in hand with your physical health but your mental health too.

This doesn’t mean you have to cut out every carbohydrate and all fat in your diet. Instead, try to make subtle changes like reducing portion sizes or resisting the urge to consume sugary snacks between meals. Swapping processed foods for fresher alternatives can also go a long way and actually provide tastier meals.  

Don’t just focus on the food you are putting in your body too. Drinking the recommended amount of water and ensuring you stay hydrated is a super simple way you can improve your health. 

Reduce screen time

In today’s digital world, many of us find ourselves glued to our phones or staring at a screen. Some of this screen time can’t be helped; many office workers need to be looking at a computer screen for 8 or 9 hours a day. But when you’re out of work, reducing the time you spend on your phone or tablet can have a big impact on your health.

Studies suggest that high amounts of screen time can lead to negative thoughts and also obesity, highlighting that spending too long on a device can impact us both mentally and physically. 

Opting for phone time before bed is particularly harmful and you should consider substituting this with activities such as reading a book, journaling, or meditating. This should lead to a better night’s sleep, leading to a virtuous cycle rather than a vicious cycle.

Get more sleep

Sticking with sleep, creating a sleep sanctuary and getting a solid eight hours a night can drastically improve your health. Researchers have found that sleep can positively impact everything from your weight to stress levels. 

On top of directly improving your physical and mental health, you may also benefit from an improved appearance. Getting a good amount of sleep can improve skin and hair health which can consequently lead to increased confidence and body positivity. 

Sleep can also improve your focus and performance, whether that be at work or in a sporting setting which can then lead to a sense of achievement. This is another way in which sleep can indirectly lead back to improved mental health.

Take a day off

We all like to maximise our time. One of the first ways people try to improve their mental health is by constantly having plans, whether that be travelling solo or making arrangements with friends and family. But you need to be mindful that you’re not making too many plans as this can lead you to burn out both mentally and physically. 

One of the best ways you can look after yourself is by simply putting a day off in your calendar every time you feel your body or mind is in need of a rest. It’s important to not feel guilty for doing nothing too. If you are in need of a day on the sofa, binge watching your favourite TV show and treating yourself to a cheat meal, it’s ok!

We all need a day of doing nothing from time to time, and you’ll find that relaxing at home once in a while will be great for your mental health. So stay in your pyjamas or throw on a men’s full tracksuit and gear up for a day of doing absolutely nothing.